Running the getiqinfo Script

On UNIX platforms, getiqinfo is a shell script. On Windows platforms, getiqinfo.bat is a batch script in the IQ-15_4\bin64 directory.

The steps vary for UNIX and Windows platforms.

  1. Start the script according to your platform:
    • At the UNIX command prompt, in the IQ-15_4/bin32 directory (on a 32-bit platform) or the IQ-15_4/bin64 directory (on a 64-bit platform), type:
    • In Windows, select Start > Run > <install_path>\IQ-15_4\bin64\getiqinfo.bat((on a 64-bit platform.

  2. As the program prompts you, enter:
    • The directory of the database file. This is also the default location of the .iqmsg file, and the stktrc*.iq file on UNIX.

    • The base name of the database file (the file name without the .db suffix). This is also the default base name of the .iqmsg file.

    • Other directories to search for these files

    • Sybase IQ engine name (server name) and port number for this database server

    • User ID and password with DBA privileges for this database

    • The full path to the configuration file used to start the Sybase IQ server, if one was used

    • The full path to the output file in the -zo server option, if one was specified

The program also directs you to send the listed files to Sybase Technical Support.