The format of the output in the request log file (generated by setting the -zr server startup switch) changed in Sybase IQ 15.1. Use the stored procedures sa_get_request_profile and sa_get_request_times to read the -zr log file and summarize the results.
call sa_get_request_profile('/sys1/users/jones/iqreqs1_zr.log'); select * from satmp_request_profile;
call sa_get_request_times('/sys1/users/jones/iqreqs1_zr.log'); select * from satmp_request_time;
For more information about request-level logging, see the start_iq -zo switch in Utility Guide > start_iq Database Server Startup Utility, the sa_server_option system procedure in Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures, and SQL Anywhere Server - SQL Usage > Monitoring and improving database performance > Diagnosing performance issues > Using other diagnostic tools and techniques > Request Logging.