User Name, Connection Handle, and Connection ID

After the Temporary buffer cache message, the connection handle, connection ID (SA connID), and user name are logged in the .iqmsg file once per database connection.

These lines in the IQ message log (.iqmsg file) display connection information:

2010-05-12 09:34:42 0000000002 Txn 173
2010-05-12 09:34:42 0000000002 Connect: 1550990889. SA connID: 1. User: DBA.

The connection handle is the value displayed by the sa_conn_info stored procedure.

Note: To correlate connection information in the -zr log file with that in the .iqmsg file, see Correlating connection information between the .srvlog and .iqmsg files.
Related tasks
Correlating Connection Information Between the .srvlog and .iqmsg Files