The sp_iqstatus Stored Procedure

The sp_iqstatus stored procedure provides a variety of IQ status information.

Note: The following example shows output from the iqdemo sample database. The sample user dbspace iq_main may not be present in your own user-created databases.

The following output is from the sp_iqstatus stored procedure:

Sybase IQ (TM) Copyright (c) 1992-2011 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: 5.10/64bit/2011-08-12 03:08:39
Time Now: 2011-09-12 10:33:19.979
Build Time: 2011-08-12 03:08:39
File Format: 23 on 03/18/1999
Server mode: IQ Multiplex Coordinator Server
Catalog Format: 2
Stored Procedure Revision: 1
Page Size: 131072/8192blksz/16bpp
Number of Main DB Files: 2
Main Store Out Of Space: N
Number of Shared Temp DB Files: 0
Shared Temp Store Out Of Space: N
Number of Local Temp DB Files: 1
Local Temp Store Out Of Space: N
DB Blocks: 1-12800 IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN
DB Blocks: 1045440-1058239 iq_main
Local Temp Blocks: 1-3200 IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP
Create Time: 2011-08-17 11:31:03.313
Update Time: 2011-09-12 10:32:00.077
Main IQ Buffers: 510, 64Mb
Temporary IQ Buffers: 510, 64Mb
Main IQ Blocks Used: 8076 of 19200, 42%=63Mb, Max Block#: 1051107
Shared Temporary IQ Blocks Used: 0 of 0, 0%=0Mb, Max Block#: 0
Local Temporary IQ Blocks Used: 113 of 1600, 7%=0Mb, Max Block#: 834
Main Reserved Blocks Available: 6400 of 6400, 100%=50Mb
Shared Temporary Reserved Blocks Available: 0 of 0, 0%=0Mb
Local Temporary Reserved Blocks Available: 1600 of 1600, 100%=12Mb
IQ Dynamic Memory: Current: 150mb, Max: 150mb
Main IQ Buffers:' Used: 509, Locked: 0
Temporary IQ Buffers:' Used: 8, Locked: 0
Main IQ I/O:' I: L184357/P71 O: C18370/D25255/P20297 D:5613 C:51.8
Temporary IQ I/O:' I: L248471/P0 O: C22502/D25269/P4896 D:22494 C:59.3
Other Versions:' 2 = 0Mb
Active Txn Versions:' 0 = C:0Mb/D:0Mb
Last Full Backup ID:' 0
Last Full Backup Time:'  
Last Backup ID: 0
Last Backup Type: None
Last Backup Time:  
DB Updated: 1
Blocks in next ISF Backup: 0 Blocks: =0Mb
Blocks in next ISI Backup: 0 Blocks: =0Mb
Main Tlvlog Size: Pages: 2, Recs: 413, Replays: 0/0
DB File Encryption Status: OFF

The following is a key to understanding the Main IQ I/O and Temporary IQ I/O output codes:
Check the following information:
Related concepts
Main Buffer Cache Activity Message