FULL | INCREMENTAL | INCREMENTAL SINCE FULL specifies the type of backup.
FULL causes a full backup of both the catalog store and the IQ store. FULL is the default action.
For a virtual backup, you can use the VIRTUAL DECOUPLED | VIRTUAL ENCAPSUATED options of the BACKUP statement.
INCREMENTAL makes a full backup of the catalog store, and then backs up all changes to the IQ store since the last IQ backup of any type.
INCREMENTAL SINCE FULL makes a full backup of the catalog store, and then backs up all changes to the IQ store since the last full IQ backup.
INCREMENTAL and INCREMENTAL SINCE FULL virtual backups are supported using the VIRTUAL DECOUPLED and VIRTUAL ENCAPSULATED options of the BACKUP statement.
You may restrict full, incremental-since-full, or incremental backup to the set of read-write files in the databases using the READWRITE FILES ONLY keywords. The read-write dbspaces or files that are backed up must belong to the IQ main store. The backed up files are selected when the backup command checks the read-write status in the catalog.
An IQ backup may back up a set of read-only dbspaces and/or read-only files. The read-only dbspaces or files must belong to the IQ main store. The backed up files are user selected.