Sybase IQ data stores consist of one or more files.
db-name.db is the catalog dbspace containing the system tables and stored procedures describing the database and any standard SQL Anywhere database objects you add. It is known as the catalog store, and has the dbspace-name SYSTEM. You can create additional dbspaces in the catalog store. is the main data dbspace containing the IQ table data and indexes. It is known as the IQ store, and has the dbspace-name IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN. The dbfile name matches dbspace-name, IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN. You can create multiple dbspaces in the IQ store, and each dbspace can hold multiple dbfiles, including IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN.
db-name.iqtmp is the initial temporary dbspace containing the temporary tables generated by certain queries. It is known as the IQ temporary store and has the dbspace-name IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP. You can add dbfiles to the IQ temporary store.
Any of these stores, and the log files, are possible areas of failure.