The table below indicates the Adaptive Server Enterprise exact numeric types and the Sybase IQ equivalents.
Adaptive Server Enterprise data type |
Sybase IQ data type |
Notes |
int |
Sybase IQ does not allow scaled integers, such as INT(7,3). Data in the form INT(precision,scale) is converted to NUMERIC(precision,scale). This differs from Sybase IQ versions prior to 12.0, and from Adaptive Server Enterprise, in which int data types can be values between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647, inclusive. To handle larger integer values, you can use a BIGINT, an unsigned integer (UNSIGNED INT), or an UNSIGNED BIGINT data type. With UNSIGNED INT, the last bit is used as part of the value. There is no positive or negative indication; all numbers are assumed to be positive, so the value can go up to 4,294,967,295. |
numeric |
DECIMAL or NUMERIC with appropriate precision |
If the precision of the Sybase IQ data type you define is too small to store the Adaptive Server Enterprise value, the value converts to NULL. |
decimal |
DECIMAL or NUMERIC with appropriate precision |
See above. |
smallint |
Sybase IQ SMALLINTdoes not allow precision and scale. Adaptive Server Enterprise smallint(precision,scale) is converted to NUMERIC(precision,scale)See INT above. |
tinyint |
Sybase IQ TINYINT columns do not allow precision and scale. Adaptive Server Enterprise tinyint(precision,scale) is converted to NUMERIC(precision,scale). See INT above. |
bit |
unsigned smallint |
Not supported |
Sybase IQ does not support the Adaptive Server Enterprise data type unsigned smallint, but you can insert data from an Adaptive Server Enterprise database column of data type unsigned smallint using INSERT...LOCATION. |
The following table indicates the Adaptive Server Enterprise approximate data types and the Sybase IQ equivalents.
Adaptive Server Enterprise data type |
Sybase IQ data type |
Notes |
float (precision) |
FLOAT (precision) |
IQ supports greater precision for FLOAT HNG indexes do not allow FLOAT, REAL, or DOUBLE data. |
double precision |
real |
The following table indicates the Adaptive Server Enterprise character data types and their Sybase IQ equivalents.
Adaptive Server Enterprise data type |
Sybase IQ data type |
Notes |
char |
Sybase IQ and Adaptive Server Enterprise character (char or CHAR) data types are the same except that Sybase IQ can handle NULLs. If you want an Sybase IQ CHAR column to exactly match an Adaptive Server Enterprise char column, specify Sybase IQ column as NOT NULL. Sybase IQ default allows NULLs. Adaptive Server Enterprise char columns that allow NULLs are internally converted to varchar. |
varchar |
See char notes above. |
nchar |
Not supported |
Sybase IQ does not support the Adaptive Server Enterprise data type nchar, but you can insert data from an ASE database column of data type nchar using INSERT...LOCATION. |
nvarchar |
Not supported |
Sybase IQ does not support the Adaptive Server Enterprise data type nvarchar, but you can insert data from an Adaptive Server Enterprise database column of data type nvarchar using INSERT...LOCATION. |
text |
Not supported |
Sybase IQ does not support the Adaptive Server Enterprise data type text, but you can insert data from an Adaptive Server Enterprise database column of data type text using INSERT...LOCATION. |
unichar |
Not supported |
Sybase IQ does not support the Adaptive Server Enterprise data type unichar, but you can insert data from an Adaptive Server Enterprise database column of data type unichar using INSERT...LOCATION. |
univarchar |
Not supported |
Sybase IQ does not support the Adaptive Server Enterprise data type univarchar, but you can insert data from an Adaptive Server Enterprise database column of data type univarchar using INSERT...LOCATION. |
unitext |
Not supported |
Sybase IQ does not support the Adaptive Server Enterprise data type unitext, but you can insert data from an Adaptive Server Enterprise database column of data type unitext using INSERT...LOCATION. |
The following table indicates the Adaptive Server Enterprise money data types and the Sybase IQ equivalents.
Adaptive Server Enterprise data type |
Sybase IQ data type |
Notes |
money |
NUMERIC(19,4) |
money data is converted implicitly to NUMERIC(19,4). |
smallmoney |
NUMERIC(10,4) |
The following table indicates the Adaptive Server Enterprise DATE/TIME data types and the Sybase IQ equivalents.
Adaptive Server Enterprise data type |
Sybase IQ data type |
Notes |
datetime |
Adaptive Server Enterprise datetime columns maintain date and time of day values in 4 bytes for number of days before or after base date of virtual date 0/0/0000 and 8 bytes for time of day, accurate to within one 1,000,000th of a second. Sybase IQ TIMESTAMP (or DATETIME) columns maintain date and time of day values in two 4-byte integers: 4 bytes for number of days since 1/1/0 and 4 bytes for time of day, based on 24-hour clock, accurate to within one 10,000th of a second. Sybase IQ automatically handles the conversion. Sybase IQ also has a separate DATE data type, a single 4-byte integer. If you want to extract just a date from a SQL Server or Adaptive Server Enterprise datetime column, you can do this with Sybase IQ DATE data type. To do this, define an Sybase IQ DATE column with same name as the Adaptive Server Enterprise datetime column. Sybase IQ automatically picks up appropriate portion of datetime value. |
smalldatetime |
Define Adaptive Server Enterprise smalldatetime columns as TIMESTAMP (or DATETIME) data type in Sybase IQ. Sybase IQ properly handles the conversion. As with regular datetime, if you want to extract just a date from an Adaptive Server Enterprise smalldatetime column, do it with the Sybase IQ DATE data type. |
date |
date |
You can insert data from an Adaptive Server Enterprise database column of data type date using INSERT...LOCATION. |
time |
time |
The Sybase IQ data type is the Time of day, containing hour, minute, second, and fraction of a second. The fraction is stored to 6 decimal places. A time value requires 8 bytes of storage. The Adaptive Server Enterprise data type time is between 00:00:00:000 and 23:59:59:999. You can use either military time or 12AM for noon and 12PM for midnight. A time value must contain either a colon or the AM or PM signifier. AM or PM may be in either uppercase or lowercase. A time value requires 4 bytes of storage. You can insert data from an Adaptive Server Enterprise database column of data type time using INSERT...LOCATION. |
The following table indicates the Adaptive Server Enterprise binary data types and the Sybase IQ equivalents.
Adaptive Server Enterprise data type |
Sybase IQ data type |
Notes |
binary |
Sybase IQ pads trailing zeros on all BINARY columns. Always create BINARY columns with an even number of characters for length. HNG indexes do not allow BINARY data. |
varbinary |
Sybase IQ does not pad or truncate trailing zeros on VARBINARY columns. Always create VARBINARY columns with an even number of characters for length. HNG indexes do not allow VARBINARY data. |
nchar, nvarchar
univar, univarchar
unsigned smallint
native Java data types
This also applies to any custom Adaptive Server Enterprise data type.