You can specify a dbspace for a table object (including columns of any data type, indexes, primary and foreign keys, unique constraints, join indexes, and non-partitioned tables) at object creation or when you move the object.
CREATE TABLE tab1 ( col1 INT IN dsp1, col2 VARCHAR(20), col3 CLOB IN dsp2, col4 DATE, col5 BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (col5) IN dsp4) IN dsp3; CREATE DATE INDEX col4_date ON tab1(col4) IN dsp5;
Resulting data allocation is as follows:
Dbspace name |
Data |
dsp1 |
FP index for col1 |
dsp2 |
FP index for col3 |
dsp3 |
FP indexes for col2, col4, and col5 |
dsp4 |
Primary key (HG on col5) |
dsp5 |
DATE index col4_date |