Space for Databases

The first dbspace for each store is created automatically when you create the database. You can create additional dbspaces as needed.

When you create and load a table, Sybase IQ distributes data among all existing dbspaces in that store with available space. You can reserve space for a dbspace to grow when you create it. You can resize the dbspace up to the maximum reserve. You can also make the dbspace smaller, provided that all data has been moved off of the truncated portion of the dbspace. You can move individual database objects off of specified dbspaces as needed.

Do not allocate all of your disk space to your IQ database. Keep ten percent in reserve. Sybase IQ needs this space to gracefully handle out-of-space conditions.

Create all dbspaces when you create the database, rather than adding them gradually as old ones become full. This ensures that your dbspaces are filled more evenly, improving disk I/O.

Create separate databases for debugging purposes. Sybase recommends that you avoid performing development work on production databases, because it increases the possibility of a server failure.