Connections from ADO

ADO is an object-oriented programming interface. In ADO, the Connection object represents a unique session with a data source.

You can use the following Connection object features to initiate a connection:

For more information about ADO, including sample code for connecting with a database, see SQL Anywhere Server - Programming > OLE DB and ADO development.

Note: This reference points to SQL Anywhere documentation.
Note: To run examples from SQL Anywhere Server – Programming, substitute the data source “Sybase IQ Demo” and the samples directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\All Users\SybaseIQ\samples\SQLAnywhere\VBSampler\vbsampler.sln. Installing Sybase IQ registers appropriate drivers automatically, but you must register both the 32-bit and the 64-bit driver to develop and deploy applications based on the OLE DB on a 64-bit Windows machine. Specify the full path to the dboledb12.dll and dboledba12.dll when running regsvr32.
Related concepts
Connection Parameters