You need an OLE DB provider for each type of data source you wish to access.
Each provider is a dynamic-link library. There are two OLE DB providers you can use to access Sybase IQ:
Sybase SQL Anywhere OLE DB provider The SQL Anywhere OLE DB provider provides access to Sybase IQ as an OLE DB data source without the need for ODBC components. The short name for this provider is SAOLEDB.
When the SAOLEDB provider is installed, it registers itself. This registration process includes making registry entries in the COM section of the registry, so that ADO can locate the DLL when the SAOLEDB provider is called. If you change the location of your DLL, you must re-register it.
If you use the SQL Anywhere OLE DB provider, ODBC is not required in your deployment.
For more information about OLE DB providers, see SQL Anywhere Server – Programming.
Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC Microsoft provides an OLE DB provider with a short name of MSDASQL.
The MSDASQL provider makes ODBC data sources appear as OLE DB data sources. It requires the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver.