You can start databases when you start the server, or after the server is running.
Sybase recommends that you run only one database per server, especially in a production environment.
To start a database from Interactive SQL or Embedded SQL, use the START DATABASE statement. See Reference: Statements and Options > SQL Statements > START DATABASE Statement.
To start and connect to a database from Interactive SQL or Sybase Central, use a data source that specifies the database file.
To start and connect to a database when you start Interactive SQL from a system command prompt, include the parameter “DBF=db-file” in the connection parameters.
To start a database from Sybase Central, see Introduction to Sybase IQ.
To start an embedded database, while connected to a server, connect to a database using a DBF parameter. This parameter specifies a database file for a new connection. The database file is loaded onto the current server.