Stored Procedures

Sybase IQ stored procedures give you information about your database and users and carry out various operations on the database.

A stored procedure typically operates on the database in which you execute it. For example, if you run the stored procedure sp_addlogin in the iqdemo database, it adds a user to iqdemo.

Note: Statements shown in examples generally use the iqdemo database, a demo database that you can create using scripts installed with Sybase IQ.

You can also create your own stored procedures.

Sybase IQ Stored Procedures

Sybase IQ provides numerous stored procedures for viewing and managing information.

For example, sp_iqstatus displays general status information, while sp_iqcheckdb checks the validity of the current database and can repair allocation problems.

See System Administration Guide: Volume 2 > System Procedures.

Several multiplex stored procedures are also available. See Using Sybase IQ Multiplex > Multiplex Reference > System Procedures.

Catalog Stored Procedures

In addition to most Adaptive Server Enterprise Catalog stored procedures, there are other system and catalog stored procedures.

For a complete list, see Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures > System Procedures.

Sybase IQ does not support Adaptive Server Enterprise Catalog stored procedures sp_column_privileges, sp_databases, sp_datatype_info, and sp_server_info.

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