These restrictions and limitations affect the data extraction facility.
Extract works only with data stored in the IQ store.
Extract does not work on system tables or cross database joins.
Extract does not work with queries that use user-defined functions or system functions, except for the system functions suser_id() and suser_name().
A binary LOAD TABLE always trims blanks from VARCHAR data. If you have VARCHAR data with trailing blanks, they are not preserved on insert by a binary load.
Trailing zeros are padded onto VARBINARY data during the extract. For example, a field declared as varbinary(6), which contains the data 0x1234, is padded with zeros during extraction and is loaded after extraction as 0x123400.
Binary format will change in a future release.
If you need to reproduce floating point data exactly, use the binary option.
Tape devices are not supported at this time.
If you run dbisql (Interactive SQL) with the -q (quiet mode) option and the data extraction commands are in a command file, you must first set and make permanent the dbisql option Show multiple result sets. If this option is not set, the output file is not created.
To set the Show multiple result sets option, click in the dbisql window, then check the box Show multiple result sets and click Make permanent.
LOAD, DELETE, INSERT or INSERT...LOCATION to a table that is the top table in a join
SYNCHRONIZE JOIN INDEX (issued explicitly or executed as part of CREATE JOIN INDEX)
Handler for event 'test_ev' caused SQLSTATE '09W03' Result set not permitted in 'test_ev'
In order to execute a query through an event, create an event that calls a stored procedure and insert the stored procedure results into a temporary table. If extract is used, then the temporary table is always empty and requires little overhead.
CREATE PROCEDURE proc1() BEGIN SET TEMPORARY OPTION temp_extract_name1 = 'testproc.out'; SELECT * FROM iq_table; END; CREATE EVENT "test_ev" ENABLE HANDLER BEGIN SELECT * INTO #tmp FROM proc1(); END; TRIGGER EVENT test_ev;