Connecting from Sybase IQ utilities

Sybase IQ database utilities that communicate with the server (rather than acting directly on database files) do so using Embedded SQL. They follow the procedure outlined in “How Sybase IQ makes connections” when connecting to a database.

How database utilities obtain connection parameter values

Many of the administration utilities obtain the connection parameter values by:

  1. Using values specified on the command line (if any). For example, the following command takes a backup of the catalog store on the demo database, using the user ID DBA and the password sql:

    dbbackup -y -x -c 'uid=DBA;pwd=sql;eng=iqdemo;dbn=iqdemo.db;links=tcpip{host=localhost:2638}' -d  '/mydir'
  2. Using the SQLCONNECT environment variable settings if any command line values are missing. Sybase IQ database utilities do not set this variable automatically. This option provides better password security than other methods. For a description of the SQLCONNECT environment variable, see Chapter 1, “File Locations and Installation Settings,” in Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures.

  3. Prompting you for a user ID and password to connect to the default database on the default server, if parameters are not set in the command line or the SQLCONNECT environment variable.

For a description of command-line options for each database utility, see Chapter 4, “Database Administration Utilities” in the Utility Guide.