Connecting using command line utilities

The following procedure shows how to connect to a running database from the command line on a UNIX system.

StepsConnecting from a UNIX system

  1. Make sure that your PATH and other environment variables are correctly set, as described in Chapter 1, “File Locations and Installation Settings,” in Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures.

  2. To ensure that the demo database is loaded on a running server, at the UNIX prompt, enter:

    ps -eaf | grep iqdemo

    To start the demo database, enter:

    cd $IQDIR15/demo
    start_iq @iqdemo.cfg iqdemo.db
  3. Start Interactive SQL:

    dbisql -c "uid=DBA;pwd=sql;eng=servername;links=tcpip"

    Replace servername with the same server name that was supplied in the start_iq command to start the server.

    The –c parameter specifies connection parameters. You can also specify these parameters in a data source, as described later in this chapter.

    NoteThe links=tcpip (or CommLinks=tcpip) parameter is only required if you use TCP/IP to connect to the database. If you use the shared memory port to connect to a local database you can omit the links parameter; however, it is always safer—and required on some platforms—to include complete network parameters.

    To connect to a database on a remote host, you must add the host name and port number. For example:

    dbisql -c "uid=DBA;pwd=sql;eng=SERV1_iqdemo;

    If you prefer, use this alternate form of the links clause, which has the same result:


StepsConnecting from a Windows system

  1. Choose Programs > Sybase > Sybase IQ 15.2 > Interactive SQL from the Programs menu, or at the Windows command prompt, enter:


    You can include the -c parameter to specify connection parameters in the dbisql command, as described in the procedure above for connecting to UNIX. If you omit these parameters, the Interactive SQL connect dialog appears.

  2. In the Connect dialog, enter your user name and password.

    For example, for the iqdemo database you enter DBA and sql, the default user and password combination for Sybase IQ databases when they are created.

  3. Click the Database tab and type the server name that was used to start the server (for example, “hostname_iqdemo” for the iqdemo database). This name must be unique on your local area network.

    For remote servers, specify the server as host name and port number on the Network tab.

    The default port number is 2638, but if the server was started with a different number, use that instead. You can find the port number by running Sybase IQ 15.2 > ODBC Administrator 32-bit or Sybase IQ 15.2 > ODBC Administrator 64-bit. Select the User Data Sources on the User DSN tab, then click Configure. You can find the port number by typing dblocate at the command prompt.

    This procedure connects you to the first database started on this server. If more than one database is running, you may need to click Browse to select the database you want.

  4. Click OK to connect to the database.

    If the Connect dialog or an error message about missing information pops up, you may need to enter the -host and -port or other missing information in the Advanced tab. If your database is on a remote server, enter the -host and -port parameters on separate lines, as in:

    -host fiona
    -port 1870
  5. After you connect to the database, the Interactive SQL window appears. The Interactive SQL window displays the database name, user ID, and server name for the connection on its title bar.

    If you connect using dbisqlc, the words “Connected to database” appear in the Statistics window along with a message displaying the collation used by the database.