Sybase IQ gives you great flexibility in performing these three steps. This chapter explains options for steps 1 and 2 and suggests which to choose, depending on your situation. The next chapter explains options for step 3.
The first step in running Sybase IQ is to start the database server.
You can start the server in all of these ways:
Start the server with the Sybase-provided utility, start_iq. See “Starting servers with the startup utility”.
Run the Start Database Server wizard in Sybase Central. See “Starting servers with Sybase Central”. To start and stop multiplex servers interactively, always use Sybase Central.
Start the server from the Windows Start menu. See “Starting servers from the Windows Start menu”.
Start the server and the demo database with a Sybase-provided configuration file. See “Starting the iqdemo database”.
Place a server startup command in a shortcut or desktop icon.
You can also configure Windows systems to start an IQ
server automatically when the system is booted. For details, see “Installing Sybase
IQ as a Service” in Installation and Configuration Guide.
Include a server startline in an ODBC data source. See “Creating and editing ODBC data sources”.
Include a server startline in a utility command.
Issue a SQL command from Interactive SQL to start an additional server. See “Starting a server from dbisql”.
If you will be using remote data access capabilities
to insert data from other databases or to issue queries to other
databases, see Chapter
4, “Accessing Remote Data,”and Chapter
5, “Server Classes for Remote Data Access,” in System Administration Guide: Volume 2.