Introduction to international languages and character sets

For an introduction to the issues you may face when working in an environment that uses more than one character set, or when using languages other than English, see “SQL Anywhere international features” in SQL Anywhere Server – Database Administration > Configuring Your Database > International languages and character sets > Localized versions of SQL Anywhere.

When you create a database, you specify a collating sequence or collation to be used by the database. A collation is a combination of a character set and a sort order for characters in the database.

The database collation is used to sort and compare all character data types in the database, including object names, such as table and column names.

Sybase IQ support of database collations takes advantage of the space efficiency and speed of the SQL Anywhere Collation Algorithm.

Sybase IQ no longer supports custom collations. If you are rebuilding a database with a custom collation, the collation is preserved if you rebuild in a single step. If you unload the database and then load the schema and data into a database that you create, then you must use one of the supplied collations.

For more information on changes to database collations and a list of collations deprecated in Sybase IQ 15.0, see Chapter 2, “Behavior Changes in Sybase IQ 15.0” in New Features in Sybase IQ 15.0. Use the iqunload utility to migrate to Sybase IQ 15.2 from an existing 12.6 or 12.7 database that was created with a deprecated collation. For details about iqunload, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.