Message logging

An IQ message log file exists for each database. This log file has the default name dbname.iqmsg, and is created in the same directory as the catalog store when you start a newly created database. The database creator may specify a different location, a different file name, or both.

By default, Sybase IQ logs the following types of messages in the message log file:

You can examine this file as you would any other text file.

At the beginning of the file, and when you start a database, you see output similar to:

I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 OpenDatabase Completed
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 IQ cmd line srv opts: 
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 IQ full cmd line: -c 48m -gc 20 -gd all
-gl all -gm 10 -gp 4096 -ti 4400 -n sunopt_demo -x tcpip{port=1870}
iqdemo.db -gn 25 -o /sunopt/users/user1/sybase/IQ-15_2/logfiles/
sunopteng_iqdemo.0007.srvlog -hn 7 
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 DB: r/w, Main Buffs=127, Temp Buffs=95,
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 DB: Frmt#: 23F/2T/1P (FF: 03/18/1999)
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 DB: Versn: 5.10/64bit/2009-05-01 01:21:40
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 DB: Name:  /sunopt/users/user1/iqdemo.db
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 DB: Txn ID Seq: 1
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 DB: DBID Blk: 7730
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 DB: IQ Server sunopt_demo, PID 24485, LOGIN user1
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 DB: Database encryption is OFF.
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000
Mem: 44mb/M44
Main      Blks: U7841/20%, Buffers: U6/L1
Temporary Blks: U65/0%, Buffers: U4/L0
Main      I: L24/P4 O: C2/D2/P0 D:0 C:100.0
Temporary I: L34/P0 O: C4/D4/P0 D:0 C: 0.0
I. 05/06 17:07:25. 0000000000 Collation ISO_BINENG, Case Respect, 
Blank Padding On, Comparisons are Binary
I. 05/06 17:07:26. 0000000000 RcvyCmpl
I. 05/06 17:07:26. 0000000000 Chk
I. 05/06 17:07:26. 0000000000 ChkDone [NumTxnCP: 0]
I. 05/06 17:07:26. 0000000000 PostChk
I. 05/06 17:07:26. 0000000000 CloseDatabase