About this book


This book presents concepts and procedures necessary for administering Sybase® IQ. Use this book to understand database setup, connections, loading, security, backup, and troubleshooting.

Related Sybase IQ documents

The Sybase IQ 15.2 documentation set includes:

The Sybase IQ 15.2 documentation set is available online at Product Manuals.

Related SQL Anywhere documentation

Because Sybase IQ shares many components with SQL Anywhere Server, a component of the SQL Anywhere® package, Sybase IQ supports many of the same features as SQL Anywhere Server. The IQ documentation set refers you to SQL Anywhere documentation, where appropriate.

Documentation for SQL Anywhere includes:

You can also refer to the SQL Anywhere documentation in the SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 collection at Product Manuals and in DocCommentXchange.