Performance for character data is better with a binary character set and collation sequence than with a nonbinary character set and collation sequence.
To maximize performance, create a database with these default option settings:
These options result in a binary character set and collation sequence. All other settings for these two options form a nonbinary character set and collation sequence.
The disadvantage of these settings is that uppercase characters are always sorted before lowercase ones. For example, “BANANA” sorts before “apple.” If you prefer a more natural sort order, but still need a case sensitive database, and if you are willing to sacrifice some degree of performance, use the collation ISO_1 instead of the default, ISO_BINENG.
details about password case-sensitivity, see “User
IDs and passwords” in Appendix
A, “Compatibility with Other Sybase Databases,” in Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures.