DBCC error messages

The following table lists the most important messages in the DBCC output.

Table 13-7: DBCC error messages

DBCC message


Inconsistent Index Count

The number of indexes that DBCC found to have inconsistencies.

Inconsistent Index

The name of an index that DBCC found to be inconsistent.

Extra Index RIDs Missing Index RIDs Duplicate Index RIDs

The total number of rows that are inconsistent for all inconsistent indexes.

Bitmap Verify Errors

The total number of inconsistent bitmaps in all database objects.

FP Lookup Table Inconsistencies

An unrepairable error, where the 1-byte or 2-byte FP is internally inconsistent.

Non-Completed Index Count

The number of indexes that could not be verified, because an exception occurred while checking.

Non-Completed Index

The name of an index that was not verified because an exception occurred while checking. If the exception is a future version, out of memory, or out of buffers error, commit the DBCC connection and re-run DBCC.

HG Missing Groups HG Extra Groups HG Extra Keys HG Missing Keys B-Tree Invalid Item Count B-Tree Invalid Item Count G-Array Empty Page Errors G-Array Bad Group Type Errors G-Array Out of Order Group Errors

High Group index specific errors.

VDO Incorrect First Available Fields VDO Incorrect Next Available Fields VDO Incorrect Used Count Fields VDO Incorrect In-use Bitvec VDO Incorrect In-use Bitmap VDO Incorrect Partial Bitmap VDO Incorrect Deleted Bitmaps

Unrepairable errors that can cause entire tables to be inaccessible. You must force drop the inconsistent table to resolve these errors.

Block Count Mismatch

This count accompanies other allocation errors.

Blocks Leaked 1st Unowned PBN

Blocks that were found not to be in use by any database object. Use dropleaks mode to repair.

Blocks with Multiple Owners 1st Multiple Owner PBN

Blocks in use by more than one database object. Drop the object that is reported as inconsistent.

Unallocated Blocks in Use 1st Unallocated PBN

Blocks in use by a database object, but not marked as in use. Use dropleaks mode to repair.

Freelist Updated

Indicates successful allocation repair.

Freelist Not Updated

Indicates errors detected during allocation repair and the allocation repair was not successful.

Invalid Blockmap Unique ID Generator Blockmap Unique ID Generator Updated Invalid Transaction ID Counter Transaction ID Generator Updated

Errors and repair messages specific to the DBCC resetclocks option.

DBCC Future Version Errors

DBCC could not open the table, because DDL was performed on it. Commit the DBCC connection and re-run DBCC.

DBCC Locked Table Access Conflict

DBCC tried to open a table that another connection has locked. To ensure complete DBCC processing, make sure that no other users have locked tables in the database.

DBCC Out of Buffers Errors

The size of the IQ main cache is too small. Either increase the main cache size or run DBCC on individual objects.

DBCC Out of Memory Errors

There is insufficient system memory to complete the DBCC operation.

DBCC Meta-data Errors Blockmap Invalid Chunksize Error Count Blockmap Compression Bit Error Count Blockmap Invalid Block Number Error Count

An internal page mapping structure is inconsistent and the object needs to be dropped.

DBCC Page Read Errors

An I/O error occurred while trying to read an object. Perform hardware diagnostics.

DBCC Inconsistent Disk Block Headers DBCC Decompress Errors

The storage for the object is inconsistent and the object needs to be dropped.

DBCC Unknown Exceptions

An exception of a type unknown to DBCC occurred. Check the IQ message file for details.

Unowned LVC cells Duplicate LVC cell rows Unallocated LVC cell rows

Messages indicate inconsistencies with a VARCHAR or CLOB column. Unowned LVC cells represent a small amount of unusable disk space and can safely be ignored. Duplicate and Unallocated LVC cells are serious errors that can only be resolved by dropping the damaged columns.

To drop a damaged column, create a new column from a copy of the old column, then drop the original column and alter rename the new column to the old column.

LVC is a VARCHAR column with a width greater than 255. CLOB also uses LVC.