Technical Support may ask you to set the -zr option on the start_iq command in your configuration file. This server startup option sets the request logging level to track statements sent to the server. Parameters are ALL, NONE, or SQL. The option produces a log file named for the server with the suffix .srvlog.
In the Sybase IQ message file .iqmsg, each connection to the server is identified by a connection handle. The .iqmsg message file records the errors, warnings, and tracing information for each connection. The following procedure tells you how to correlate the connection identifiers in the .srvlog and .iqmsg files to find relevant information.
Correlating connection information between the .srvlog
and .iqmsg files
In the .iqmsg file, locate a connection of interest. For example:
Connect: SA connHandle: 1000000061
These lines show the .iqmsg log file contents for this connection:
16:14:59. 0000000062 Connect: SA connHandle: 1000000061 SA connID: 31 IQ connID: 0000000062 User: DBA 03/17 16:15:00. 0000000062 Cmt 12064 03/17 16:15:00. 0000000062 PostCmt 0 03/17 16:15:00. 0000000000 Disconnect: SA connHandle: 1000000061 SA connID: 31 IQ connID: 0000000062 User: DBA
Isolate all of the lines for the connection by searching the .srvlog file for the number that follows “SA connHandle” in the .iqmsg file. For example, search the .srvlog file for “1000000061”:
16:14:59. [,1000000061,sp_iqdbspace,48,select str_replace(dbspaceName,'"',null) into dbspaceName_literal 03/17 16:14:59. P,1000000061,[S][0]DUMMY<seq> 03/17 16:14:59. ],1000000061,sp_iqdbspace,48 03/17 16:14:59. P,1000000061,[1]ISYSIQDBFILE<seq> JNL dbf<ISYSDBFILE> JNL ISYSDBSPACE<ISYSDBSPACE> 03/17 16:14:59. [,1000000061,sp_iqdbspace,58,execute immediate with quotes on 'iq utilities main into iq_dbspace_temp dbspace info ' || dbspaceName 03/17 16:14:59. P,1000000061,[S]INSERT ROWS 03/17 16:14:59. P,1000000061,[S]INSERT ROWS 03/17 16:14:59. P,1000000061,[S]INSERT ROWS 03/17 16:14:59. P,1000000061,[S]INSERT ROWS03/17 16:14:59. P,1000000061,[S]INSERT ROWS 03/17 16:14:59. ],1000000061,sp_iqdbspace,58 03/17 16:14:59. [,1000000061,sp_iqdbspace,60,select d.dbspace_name as DBSpaceName, min(SegType) as DBSpaceType,... 03/17 16:15:00. ],1000000061,sp_iqdbspace,60 03/17 16:15:00. P,1000000061,Work[ Sort[ GrByH[ dbf<seq> JNL ISYSIQDBSPACE<ISYSIQDBSPACE> JNL ISYSDBSPACE<ISYSDBSPACE> JH* iq_dbspace_temp<seq> ] ] ] : ISYSIQPARTITIONCOLUMN<seq> : idx<seq> : tab<seq> 03/17 16:15:00. [,1000000061,sp_iqdbspace,105,drop table dbo.iq_dbspace_temp 03/17 16:15:00. ],1000000061,sp_iqdbspace,105 03/17 16:15:00. P,1000000061,[1]Work[ Sort[ sp_iqdbspace<call> ] ]
The connection handle in this example is 1000000061.