The sp_iqstatus stored procedure

The sp_iqstatus stored procedure provides a variety of IQ status information.

The following output is from the sp_iqstatus stored procedure:

Sybase IQ (TM)              Copyright (c) 1992-2009 by Sybase, Inc.
                                     All rights reserved. 
                                     Windows 2000/32bit/2009-04-16 02:11:41
Time Now:                            2009-04-27 14:09:00.648
Build Time:                          2009-04-16 09:54:19
File Format:                         23 on 03/18/1999
Server mode:                         IQ Server
Catalog Format:                      2
Stored Procedure Revision:           1
Page Size:                           131072/8192blksz/16bpp
Number of Main DB Files:             2
Main Store Out of Space:             N
Number of Temp Files:                1
DB Blocks: 1-3200                    IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN
DB Blocks: 1045440-1055039           iq_main
Temp Blocks: 1-1600                  IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP
Create Time:                         2009-04-03 14:14:06.124
Update Time:                         2009-04-25 14:14:26.687
Main IQ Buffers:                     255, 32Mb
Temporary IQ Buffers:                191, 24Mb
Main IQ Blocks Used:                 5915 of 11200, 52%=46Mb, 
                                     Max Block#: 1051278
Temporary IQ Blocks Used:            81 of 800, 10%=0Mb, Max Block#: 161
Main Reserved Blocks Available:      1600 of 1600, 100%=12Mb
Temporary Reserved Blocks Available: 800 of 800, 100%=6Mb
IQ Dynamic Memory:                   Current: 69mb, Max: 70mb
Main IQ Buffers:                     Used: 6, Locked: 0
Temporary IQ Buffers:                Used: 5, Locked: 0
Main IQ I/O:                         I: L899/P3 O: C3/D91/P89 D:0 C:100.0
Temporary IQ I/O:                    I: L4043/P0 O:C674/D718/P47 D:669 C:100.0
Other Txn Versions:                  0 = 0Mb
Active Txn Versions:                 0 = C:0Mb/D:0Mb
Last Full Backup ID:                 0
Last Full Backup Time:               
Last Backup ID:                      0
Last Backup Type:                    None
Last Backup Time:                    
DB Updated:                          1
Blocks in next ISF Backup:           0 Blocks: =0Mb
Blocks in next ISI Backup:           0 Blocks: =0Mb
File Encryption Status:              OFF

The following is a key to understanding the Main IQ I/O and Temporary IQ I/O output codes:

Check the following information: