Connecting to the sample database from Sybase Central or DBISQL

Many examples and exercises throughout the documentation start by connecting to the sample database from Interactive SQL, also called DBISQL.

StepsConnecting to the sample database (Sybase Central)

  1. Start Sybase Central as appropriate for your system.

    On UNIX, you must source the IQ-15_1.csh (or .sh) script before invoking utilities like Sybase Central or the IQ Agent.

    In a multiplex environment, if the IQ Agent is not started, type:


    To start Sybase Central, type:

    % scjview

    NoteIf you have set environment variables as described in the Installation and Configuration Guide, you can issue the scjview command from any directory.

    On Windows, to start Sybase Central, choose Programs > Sybase > Sybase IQ 15.1 > Sybase Central Java Edition.

  2. Choose Sybase IQ.

    This opens a panel on the right with multiple tabs.

  3. In the Utilities tab, double-click Open Interactive SQL.

  4. On the Identification tab, type DBA and sql for the User and Password.

  5. On the Database tab, choose Find.

  6. Select your iqdemo server from the Find Servers screen and click OK.

StepsConnecting to the sample database (Interactive SQL)

  1. To start Interactive SQL from the Start menu, choose Programs > Sybase > Sybase IQ 15.1 > Interactive SQL Java.

  2. Follow steps 4-6 in the previous procedure.

You can connect to any database server that is already running in the same manner. You can also specify a non-default character set and language.

For more information on using DBISQL, see Chapter 2, “Using Interactive SQL (dbisql),”in the Utility Guide.