AppInfo connection parameter [App]


To help administrators identify the origin of particular client connections from a database server.




Empty string


This connection parameter is sent to the database server from Embedded SQL, ODBC, or OLE DB clients, as well as Interactive SQL (Classic on Windows and DBISQLC on UNIX). It is not available from Open Client or jConnect applications such as the Java version of Interactive SQL (DBISQL) or Sybase Central.

It consists of a generated string that holds information about the client process, such as the IP address of the client machine, the operating system it is running on, and so on. The string is associated in the database server with the connection, and you can retrieve it using the following statement:

SELECT connection_property( 'AppInfo' )

Clients can also specify their own string, which is appended to the generated string. The AppInfo property string is a sequence of semicolon-delimited key=value pairs. The valid keys are as follows:

If you specify a debug log file in your client connection parameters, the APPINFO string is added to the file.
