SQL Statements
Provides a place for you to type SQL
statements to access and modify your data.
Line Number Column
A column on the left that shows line
numbers. These line numbers allow you to do the following:
Click a line number to select a line.
Alternatively place your cursor in the line, and press Ctrl+comma(,).
Click and drag to select multiple lines.
Double-click a line to select the entire SQL statement
that corresponds to the line. Alternatively place your cursor in
the statement, and press Ctrl+period(.).
The Results pane has two tabs: Results
and Messages. The tabs appear at the bottom of the Results pane.
Results Tab
The Results tab displays the results
of commands that you execute. For example, if you use SQL statements
to search for specific data in the database, the Results tab displays
the columns and rows that match the search criteria in the pane
above. You can edit the result set on the Results tab.
Messages Tab
The Messages tab displays messages from the database
server about the SQL statements that you execute in Interactive