Starting Interactive SQL Classic

Once a database server is running, you can connect to the server from Interactive SQL Classic (dbisql). This example describes how to connect to the demo database iqdemo.

StepsStarting Interactive SQL Classic from the command prompt

  1. Ensure that the sample database is loaded on a running server, as described in “Starting the database server” in Chapter 3, “Running and Connecting to Servers” in the Introduction to Sybase IQ.

  2. At the command prompt on your UNIX or Windows system, enter:

    dbisqlc -c "uid=dba;pwd=sql"

    The -c parameter specifies connection parameters. See Chapter 4, “Connection and Communication Parameters” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.

    NoteThe default user ID and password for the iqdemo database and other IQ databases are “dba” and “sql.” If you have trouble connecting to a database, try changing the case of the user ID and password that you supply.