Use the Text Completion tab to configure settings for the text completion list.
What objects do you want in the list? Select the objects you want to appear in the text completion window. By default, the names of all database objects appear in the text completion list.
Tables and views Select this option for tables and views to appear in the text completion list.
Columns Select this option for columns to appear in the text completion list.
Stored procedures Select this option for stored procedures to appear in the text completion list.
SQL functions (e.g. ABS. COUNT, SUBSTRING) Select this option for built-in SQL functions to appear in the text completion list.
Show system objects Select this option if you want system objects to appear in the text completion list.
Show owner names Select this option to show an object’s owner in the list of objects. (It does not control whether the owner name appears in the completed text.)
Show tool tips Select this option for tooltips to appear in the text completion window.
Quote identifiers Select this option to enclose identifiers in double quotes. Identifiers must be enclosed in double quotes if any of the following conditions are true:
The identifier contains spaces.
The first character of the identifier is not an alphabetic character.
The identifier contains a reserved word.
The identifier contains characters other than alphabetic characters and digits.
Automatically complete text Select this option to automatically complete identifier names, as long as there is only one match. If multiple identifiers match the text you type, you can choose the one you want from a list.