dbisqlc utility options

Table 3-1: dbisqlc options



-c "keyword=value; ..."

Specifies connection parameters. See Chapter 4, “Connection and Communication Parameters” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1. If you do not specify any connection parameters, the environment variable SQLCONNECT is used. If Interactive SQL cannot connect, enter the appropriate parameters in the dialog box that appears.

NoteSybase recommends that you always specify connection parameters for dbisqlc instead of relying on defaults, whether you specify them in a command line or an initialization file such as .odbc.ini on UNIX, or odbc.ini on Windows. If you start more than one database on a server, for example, specify the database name, and in a network with subnets, specify the communications protocol parameter with host number. See Chapter 3, “Sybase IQ Connections” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.

-d delimiter

Specifies a command delimiter. By default, the delimiter is the semi-colon.


Quiet mode—does not display output messages. This option is useful only if you start Interactive SQL Classic with a command or command file.


Returns the error “Not enough fields allocated in sqlda” if the defined result set of the stored procedure does not match the actual result set. This option may be useful when you are querying stored procedures.


Checks syntax only. Scans commands but does not execute them. You may find this option useful for checking long command files for syntax errors.