Supplying connection parameters: Identification tab

When no database is connected, Sybase IQ displays the Identification tab, requesting connection details.

StepsSpecifying identification information

  1. If you are not using integrated login on Windows, select Supply user ID and password.

    • In the User ID field, enter dba for the iqdemo database. The user ID is not case-sensitive.

    • In the Password field, enter sql for the iqdemo database. The password is case-sensitive.

  2. If applicable, select Use integrated login instead of supplying a user ID and password.

  3. Choose one of these default connection profiles:

    • None

    • ODBC Data Source name

    • ODBC Data Source file

  4. Click the Database tab when finished.

See “Connect window: Identification tab components” for information on the fields, buttons, and options that appear on the Identification tab.