Interactive SQL has the following panes:
SQL Statements provides a place for you to type SQL statements. If the code you type exceeds the size of the pane, scroll bars automatically appear.
Messages displays information about execution. You can select message options from the Tools > Options dialog, including whether to display messages in a separate pane or as a tab on the Results pane (the default).
Results displays the results of commands that you execute. For example, if you use SQL statements to retrieve specific data, the Results pane shows the columns and rows that match the search criteria. If the information exceeds the size of the pane, scroll bars automatically appear.
When you execute queries, Interactive SQL also displays
a SQL Anywhere query plan in the Plan pane. You can ignore these plans
for queries against the IQ store and use the IQ query plan in the .iqmsg file
or the HTML query plan.
Authorized users can also display, save, and print query plans from dbisql instead of accessing the .iqmsg file or query plan files on the server. Using the SQL functions GRAPHICAL_PLAN and HTML_PLAN, you can retrieve IQ query plans in XML and HTML format, respectively, as a string result set.
See “Planning queries” and “Using query plans” in Performance and Tuning Guide.