PowerDesigner provides tools to help you bind tables and procedures to data connections and logical paths.
- Right-click the primary database and select Bind Tables or Bind Procedures.
- Select all the tables or procedures from the database that you want to bind to a data connection or logical path and click OK.
- Select one or more data connections to bind the objects to. Select:
- A single data connection - to bind the tables or procedures to that data connection.
- Multiple data connections - to bind the tables or procedures to a logical path which is, in turn, associated with each of the selected data connections, with the first in the list selected as the default connection.
- Click OK to confirm your choice and then click OK on the message displaying the results to complete the binding.
- [optional] To review bindings between tables or procedures and data connections, right-click the primary database and select Show Table Binding Matrix or Show Procedure Binding Matrix. The matrices list the tables or procedures along the top and the available data connections down the side. Click in a cell and press the spacebar or V key to add or remove a binding.
For detailed information about working with dependency matrices, see Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Diagrams, Matrices, and Symbols > Dependency Matrices.