Replicate Tables

For Replication Server v15.5 and higher, you can enable HVAR compilation of individual replicate tables.

Replicate tables are listed on the Replicate Tables tab of a connection going from a replication server to a remote database. The following properties are available on the RepServer Options tab of the replicate table property sheet:



DSI compile enable

Enables HVAR compilation of a specified table. It takes effect only when HVAR replication is on. If replicating net-row changes cause unexpected consequences, users should turn off HVAR replication or dsi_compile_enable for the troublesome tables. By default, table level dsi_compile_enable is on.

Scripting name: TableParameter_dsi_compile_enable

DSI command convert

Specifies how a replicate command can be converted. Legal values are: "none", "i2none", "u2none", "d2none", "i2di", "u2di", and "t2none", where "i" for insert, "u" for update, "d" for delete, "t" for truncate table, and "none" for no operation. Multiple values, separated by comma, are allowed, as long as there are no duplicated source operators. For example, "d2none" means do not replicate delete command. "i2di,u2di" means convert both insert and update to delete followed by insert (equivalent to auto-correction). To have "u2di" on, replication definition must specify "replicate all columns and always_replicate for text/image columns. This parameter can be configured at database level. The default value of this parameter is "none".

Scripting name: TableParameter_dsi_command_convert