Rebuilding Dependency Links in a Project Diagram

The dependency links (for example, generation, mappings, shortcuts, and so on) shown in a project diagram are automatically generated when you add linked models to it. You cannot manually create them.

Models that are included in the project, but which are not displayed in the project diagram will not be added nor have their links represented when you rebuild dependency links.
Note: Models must be present in the project diagram before you can rebuild their dependency links.
  1. Select Tools > Rebuild Dependency Links to open the Rebuild Dependency Links dialog box.
  2. Select the check boxes that correspond to the dependency links you want to rebuild.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the diagram.
    Any missing links are updated in the diagram.

The following example shows models in a project diagram connected by a variety of dependency links:

You can explore the details of any of the dependency links in your diagram by right-clicking it and selecting Show Dependencies. Each type of link has its own viewer: