Replication Server Function Replication Definition Properties

Replication Server function replication definition property sheets contain all the standard procedure tabs, along with the RepServer Options tab.

The RepServer Options tab contains the following properties:



Standby type

Specifies the type of standby. You can choose from one of the following values:
  • All

  • Replication definition

Scripting name: StandBy

Primary procedure name

Specify the name of the procedure.

Scripting name: PrimaryProcedureName

Procedure option

Logs the execution of the stored procedure you are replicating either in the current database (log_current ) or in the database where the stored procedure resides (log_sproc).

Scripting name: ProcedureOption

Stored procedure option

Specifies the options for the stored procedure. You can choose from one of the following values:
  • Function: Enables replication for a stored procedure associated with a function replication definition.
  • Table: Enables replication for a stored procedure associated with a table replication definition. This option is equivalent to executing sp_setreplicate on the procedure.
  • false : Disables replication for the stored procedure.

Scripting name: StoredProcedureOption

System procedure (v15.2 and higher)

Specifies that the function is a stored procedure.

Scripting name: IsSystemProcedure

Function replication definition name

Specifies the name of the function replication definition.

Scripting name: FunctionReplicationDefinitionName

Request (v15.1 and higher)

Specifies whether the function replication definition is a request.

Scripting name: Request

Request alter from primary database (v15.5 and higher)

Specifies that the alter repdef command will be requested from the primary database.

Scripting name: AlterFromPDB

With DSI_suspended (v15.5 and higher)

Specifies that the with DSI_suspended option will be generated for the alter statement.

Scripting name: SuspendDSI