Replication Server Article Column Properties

Replication Server article column property sheets contain all the standard article column tabs, along with the RepServer Options tab.

The RepServer Options tab contains the following properties:



Column replication type

Specifies an event for the replication of an article column. You can choose from one of the following values:
  • always_replicate

  • replicate_if_changed

  • do_not_replicate

Scripting name: ColumnReplication

Primary key

Specifies whether the column is a primary key column.

Scripting name: IsPrimary


Specifies whether the column is mandatory in the replicated table.

Scripting name: IsMandatory


Specifies whether the article column is searchable.

Scripting name: Searchable

Data type

Specifies the datatype of a column after a column-level datatype translation, but before any class-level translation and presentation to the replicated database.

Scripting name: PublishedDataType

Identity (v15.1 and higher)

Specifies an article column computed from a table column when the source column attribute is specified. Only numerical typed column such as integer, numeric, or smallint can have this property.

Scripting name: Identity

References (v15.5 and higher)

Specifies a referential constraint (include foreign key and check constraints) to another table. During the bulk applying time, HVAR replication will load inserts (or deletes) to the referenced tables before (or after) the replication definition table.

Scripting name: References