Enabling password encryption

To enable password encryption, you must set the EncryptPassword connection property, which specifies whether the password is transmitted in encrypted format. When password encryption is enabled, the password is sent over the wire only after a login is negotiated; the password is first encrypted and then sent. The EncryptPassword values are:

NoteTo use asymmetrical password encryption, your server must support asymmetrical encryption, such as Adaptive Server 15.0.2. Asymmetrical encryption requires additional processing time, and may cause a slight delay in login time.

StepsEncrypting passwords

  1. Launch the Sybase Data Source Administrator.

  2. Select Data Source.

  3. Check Encrypt Password.

NoteYou can only use the user interface to set EncryptPassword to 0 or 1. To set EncryptPassword to 2, use a connection string.


Data Source=MANGO:5000;UserID=sa;pwd=sybase;EncryptPassword=2