Lesson 1: Setting up a new BlackBerry project

In this lesson, you create a new BlackBerry project through the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment.

 Set up a new BlackBerry project in Eclipse
  1. Run Eclipse.

    The default application path is C:\Eclipse\eclipse.exe.

  2. In the Workspace field, specify a working directory and then click OK.

    This tutorial assumes that you are working in the C:\HelloBlackBerry directory.

  3. Create your new project.

    Click File » New » Project.

  4. Expand the BlackBerry folder and then select BlackBerry Project.

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Project Name field, type HelloBlackBerry.

  7. Click Finish.

  8. Add the UltraLiteJ JAR file to the project.

    1. Display the Package Explorer window in Eclipse if it is not already shown.

      Click Window » Show View » Package Explorer.

    2. Access the package properties of your project.

      Click HelloBlackBerry in the Package Explorer window and then click File » Properties.

    3. In the left pane, click Java Build Path and then click the Libraries tab.

    4. Click Add External Jars, and then open \UltraLite\UltraLiteJ\BlackBerry4.2\UltraLiteJ12.jar from your SQL Anywhere installation directory.

  9. Add the path to your UltraLiteJ Javadoc documentation to the project.

    1. In the JARs And Class Folders On The Build Path list, expand UltraLiteJ12.jar and click JavaDoc Location.

    2. Click Edit.

      The Javadoc For UltraLiteJ12.Jar window appears.

    3. Click Browse and then open \UltraLite\UltraLiteJ\BlackBerry4.2\html from your SQL Anywhere installation directory.

    4. Click OK to close the Javadoc For UltraLiteJ12.Jar window.

  10. Click OK to close the window.