Modifying data using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE

With UltraLite, you can perform SQL data manipulation language operations. These operations are performed using the ULCommand.ExecuteNonQuery method.

 Insert a row

Placeholders for parameters in SQL statements are indicated by the ? character. For any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, each ? is referenced according to its ordinal position in the command's parameters collection. For example, the first ? is referred to as 0, and the second as 1.

  1. Declare a ULCommand.

    ULCommand cmd;
  2. Assign a SQL statement to the ULCommand object.

    cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.Command = "INSERT INTO MyTable(MyColumn) values (?)";
  3. Assign input parameter values for the statement.

    The following code shows a string parameter.

    String newValue;
    // assign value
    cmd.Parameters.add("", newValue);
  4. Execute the statement.

    The return value indicates the number of rows affected by the statement.

    int rowsInserted = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
  5. If you are using explicit transactions, commit the change.

 Update a row

Placeholders for parameters in SQL statements are indicated by the ? character. For any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, each ? is referenced according to its ordinal position in the command's parameters collection. For example, the first ? is referred to as 0, and the second as 1.

  1. Declare a ULCommand.

    ULCommand cmd;
  2. Assign a statement to the ULCommand object.

    cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.Command = "UPDATE MyTable SET MyColumn1 = ? WHERE MyColumn2 = ?";
  3. Assign input parameter values for the statement.

    String newValue;
    String oldValue;
    // assign values
    cmd.Parameters.add("", newValue);
    cmd.Parameters.add("", oldValue);
  4. Execute the statement.

    int rowsUpdated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
  5. If you are using explicit transactions, commit the change.

 Delete a row

Placeholders for parameters in SQL statements are indicated by the ? character. For any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, each ? is referenced according to its ordinal position in the command's parameters collection. For example, the first ? is referred to as 0, and the second as 1.

  1. Declare a ULCommand.

    ULCommand cmd;
  2. Assign a statement to the ULCommand object.

    cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.Command = "DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE MyColumn = ?";
  3. Assign input parameter values for the statement.

    String deleteValue;
    // assign value
    cmd.Parameters.add("", deleteValue);
  4. Execute the statement.

    int rowsDeleted = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
  5. If you are using explicit transactions, commit the change.

 See also