Lesson 1: Creating a new iPhone application project

Before you can start doing anything, you must first create an Xcode project.

 Create an Xcode project
  1. Launch Xcode.

  2. Under the File menu, click New Project.

  3. Click iPhone OS Application from the left side selection.

  4. Click a Navigation-based Application, leaving the Use Core Data for Storage option cleared.

  5. Click the Choose button and save the project names in the location of your choice.

The Navigation-based project automatically creates an application with a UITableViewController inside of a UINavigationController, as well as a UIApplicationDelegate that places the controllers in the window when the application is launched. So far, the application only has an empty navigation bar at the top and an empty table view. To fill the table with names, the application requests the data from an UltraLite database on the device.

 Setting up the project for an UltraLite library
 Compiling the project as C++
 Adding the UltraLite library to the project
 Adding frameworks required by UltraLite