Types of benchmark tests

You can run benchmark tests to check the performance of:

  • SQL statements

    The UltraLite database has been optimized to handle SQL queries efficiently and return results quickly. Nonetheless, you should see how well important queries perform to improve database performance.

  • Synchronization

    The key to achieving optimal MobiLink synchronization throughput is to have multiple synchronizations occurring simultaneously and executing efficiently.

  • Indexes

  • Table design

  • Application code

  • Device configuration

    For example, compare using external flash memory and a device's internal memory as deployment locations for UltraLite.

  • Database configuration

    For example, try different cache sizes, page sizes, reserve sizes, indexes, hash sizes, and so on.

  • Data throughput (based on transactions per second)

    While UltraLite is not typically a database intended for mass data entry processing, depending on your business requirements, this benchmark is one that you may to run tests for.

  • Software changes

    You should test the effect of software changes between two different versions of UltraLite or different versions of an application.

 See also

Test SQL queries