Each row in the sysixcol system table describes one column of an index listed in sysindex.
Column name | Column type | Description |
column_id | UNSIGNED INT | A unique identifier for the column being indexed. |
index_id | UNSIGNED INT | A unique identifier for the index that this index-column belongs to. |
order | VARCHAR(1) | Indicates whether the column in the index is kept in ascending (A) or descending (D) order. |
sequence | UNSIGNED INT | The order of the column in the index. |
table_id | UNSIGNED INT | A unique identifier for the table to which the index applies. |
PRIMARY KEY( table_id, index_id, sequence )
FOREIGN KEY( table_id, index_id ) REFERENCES sysindex( table_id, object_id )
FOREIGN KEY( table_id, column_id ) REFERENCES syscolumn( table_id, object_id )
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