Lesson 1: Creating the consolidated database

 Create the consolidated database and directories for the tutorial
  1. Create the directories c:\tutorial, c:\tutorial\hq, and c:\tutorial\field.

  2. From the c:\tutorial directory, run the following command to create the consolidated database (hq):

    dbinit hq.db
  3. Connect to the consolidated database (hq) from Interactive SQL.

    dbisql -c "UID=DBA;PWD=sql;SERVER=server_hq;DBF=c:\tutorial\hq.db"
  4. Execute the following statements to create two tables in the consolidated database (hq):

    CREATE TABLE SalesReps (
     rep_key CHAR(12) NOT NULL,
     name CHAR(40) NOT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY ( rep_key )
    CREATE TABLE Customers (
     cust_key CHAR(12) NOT NULL,
     name CHAR(40) NOT NULL,
     rep_key CHAR(12) NOT NULL,
     FOREIGN KEY ( rep_key )
      REFERENCES SalesReps (rep_key ),
     PRIMARY KEY (cust_key)

    The following figure shows the consolidated database (hq) schema for the tutorial:

    The Customers table has a foreign key to the SalesReps table.
    • Each sales representative is represented by one row in the SalesReps table.

    • Each customer is represented by one row in the Customers table.

    • Each customer is assigned to a single sales representative, and this assignment is built into the database as a foreign key from the Customers table to the SalesReps table. The relationship between the Customers table and the SalesReps table is many-to-one.

    Table name Description

    In the SalesReps table, there is a row for each sales representative that works for the company. The SalesReps table has the following columns:

    • rep_key   An identifier for each sales representative. This is the primary key.

    • name   The name of each sales representative.


    In the Customers table, there is one row for each customer that does business with the company. The Customers table includes the following columns:

    • cust_key   An identifier for each customer. This is the primary key.

    • name   The name of each customer.

    • rep_key   An identifier for the sales representative in a sales relationship. This is a foreign key to the SalesReps table.

  5. Execute the following statements to add sample data to the SalesReps and Customers tables:

    INSERT INTO SalesReps (rep_key, name)
    VALUES ('rep1', 'Field User');
    INSERT INTO SalesReps (rep_key, name)
    VALUES ('rep2', 'Another User');
    INSERT INTO Customers (cust_key, name, rep_key)
    VALUES ('cust1', 'Ocean Sports', 'rep1' );
    INSERT INTO Customers (cust_key, name, rep_key)
    VALUES ('cust2', 'Sports Plus', 'rep2' );
  6. Execute the following statements to confirm that the tables were created:

    SELECT * FROM SalesReps;

    The above query returns the following data from the SalesReps table:

    rep_key name
    rep1 Field User
    rep2 Another User
    SELECT * FROM Customers;

    The above query returns the following data from the Customers table:

    cust_key name rep_key
    cust1 Ocean Sports rep1
    cust2 Sports Plus rep2