Replication error reporting and handling

The following errors can occur on a SQL Remote system:

By default, when an error occurs, the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) prints the error in its log output window. The SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) can print more information in the output messages file than in the messages window.

The SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) messages log file includes the following information:

To print an error to the output log file, run the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) with the -o option.

When an error occurs, you can configure SQL Remote to:

  • Run an error-handling procedure   By default, no procedure is called. However, you can use the replication_error database option to specify a stored procedure to be called by the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) when an error occurs.

    For example, you can configure SQL Remote to:

    • Send portions of a remote database's output log to the consolidated database and written to a file.

    • Send an email notification when an error occurs at a remote database.

  • Ignore the error   There might be instances when you do not want to the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) to report an error. For example, you can choose to ignore an error when you know the conditions under which the error occurs and you are sure that the error does not produce inconsistent data. See Ignoring replication errors.

 See also

Run an error-handling procedure
Ignoring replication errors