The HTML Help navigation pane

The navigation pane of this Help includes an integrated table of contents, index, and word search that allow you to find the information you need quickly and easily. It also allows you to bookmark frequently viewed topics for future reference.

There are four tabs that make up the navigation pane:

Tab Description


Click Contents to reveal the Table of Contents. Click the book icons to reveal topics and sub-topics. As you move through the Help, the Table of Contents tracks the different topics that you access. This orients you within the Help, and lets you to see other relevant topics at a glance.


Click Index to view an alphabetical list of the subjects covered in the Help. To move through the index, either type a word or scroll through the list. Double-click an entry to navigate to the related topic or topics.


Click Search to search for occurrences of a word or phrase. In the Search field, type the words you want to search for and press Enter, or click List Topics. The topics that contain these words are listed. Double-click a topic name to open it. When searching, you can use the following commands:

  • Use xx AND yy to search for the topics that contain both xx and yy.
  • Use xx OR yy to search for the topics that contain either xx and/or yy.
  • Use xx NOT yy to search for the topics that contain xx but not yy.
  • Use xx NEAR yy to search for topics that contain xx and yy near each other.
  • Type a phrase within quotation marks to search for topics that contain the exact phrase. For example, "xx yy"

Since the terms and, or, not, and near are interpreted as commands in Help, you must put quotes around them when you want to search for them in the documentation. For example, to search for near, you must enter near.

When searching for help topics, you can use the wildcard characters ? and * in place of other characters:

  • Use the question mark (?) wildcard to replace a single character. For example, typing serve? finds server.
  • Use the (*) asterisk wildcard to replace one or more characters. For example, typing searc* finds search, searching, and searched.


Click Favorites to bookmark frequently viewed topics for future reference.

Click Add to add the currently displayed topic to the Topics list. To view the topic, double-click it, or select it and click Display.