Documentation enhancements

  • Documentation directory enhancements   Previously the documentation existed in %SQLANY11%\docs; now the documentation resides in %SQLANY11%\documentation. The file names for the individual HTML Help and PDF files are also updated.

    The new file names for the HTML Help are the following:

    • dbadmin_en11.chm
    • dbprogramming_en11.chm
    • dbreference_en11.chm
    • dbusage_en11.chm
    • mlclient_en11.chm
    • mlserver_en11.chm
    • mlsisync_en11.chm
    • mlstart_en11.chm
    • qanywhere_en11.chm
    • sachanges_en11.chm
    • saerrors_en11.chm
    • saintro_en11.chm
    • scplugin_en11.chm
    • sqlanywhere_en11.chm
    • sqlremote_en11.chm
    • uladmin_en11.chm
    • ulc_en11.chm
    • uldotnet_en11.chm
    • ulj_en11.chm
    • ulmbus_en11.chm

  • Supported platform pages are now accessed through the web site   Previously, the supported platform pages were installed with the software. Now all supported platform information is available on the Sybase web site: [external link]

  • Locate button   Now in the HTML Help browser, you can use the Locate button to see where the current help page is located in the Table of Contents.