Lesson 7: Restarting the MobiLink server to replay

This lesson assumes you have completed all preceding lessons. See Lesson 1: Setting up your MobiLink consolidated database.

In this lesson, you stop the MobiLink server to stop recording and then restart the server without the -rp option to prepare the server for replay.

 Stop and restart the MobiLink server for replay
  1. Run the following command to stop the MobiLink server, mlreplay_svr:

    mlstop -w -t 1m mlreplay_svr

    The MobiLink server stops along with synchronization recording.

    The following table contains a description for each option used:

    Option Description


    Waits for the server to shut down before returning to the command prompt.


    Specifies that the server should shut down after one minute, or after the current synchronizations have completed, whichever is sooner.

  2. Run the following command to connect to your consolidated database:

    mlsrv12 -c "DSN=cons" -zu+ -zs mlreplay_svr -x tcpip -ot server_replay.mls -v+

    The MobiLink server messages window appears.

    Below is a description of each MobiLink server option used. The -ot and -v options provide debugging and troubleshooting information. These logging options are appropriate in a development environment. Typically, for performance reasons, -v is not used in production.

    Option Description


    Specifies the connection string.


    Specifies the message log file server_replay.mls.


    Specifies what information is logged. Using -v+ sets maximum verbose logging.


    Sets the protocol used to listen for synchronization requests.


    Sets a MobiLink server name.


    Adds new users automatically.

  3. Proceed to Lesson 8: Replaying synchronization.

 See also