Cleaning up

This lesson assumes you have completed all preceding lessons. See Lesson 1: Designing the schemas.

 Remove tutorial materials from your computer
  1. Close all instances of the following applications:

    • Sybase Central

    • Interactive SQL

  2. Delete all tutorial-related data sources:

    1. Click Start » Programs » SQL Anywhere 12 » Administration Tools » ODBC Data Source Administrator.

    2. Click mlsqla_db in the list of User Data Sources, and click Remove.

  3. Delete the C:\mlsqla directory containing your consolidated and remote databases.

  4. Run the following command to erase the sample database and create a new copy of the sample database with its original objects and data:

    newdemo "%SQLANYSAMP12%\demo.db"

    When you are prompted, choose to erase any existing files.