Lesson 9: Configuring the MobiLink Listener

This lesson assumes you have completed all preceding lessons. See Lesson 1: Setting up the consolidated database.

In this lesson, you configure the MobiLink Listener by storing the MobiLink Listener options in a text file, and then running dblsn with the file name specified at the command line.

 Configure the MobiLink Listener
  1. Create a new text file with the following contents:

    # Verbosity level
    # Show notification messages in console and log
    # Polling interval, in seconds
    -i 3
    # Truncate, then write output to dblsn.txt
    -ot dblsn.txt
    # MobiLink address and connect parameter for dblsn
    -x "host=localhost"
    # Enable device tracking and specify the MobiLink user name. 
    -t+ sis_user1
    # Message handlers
    # Synchronize using dbmlsync
    -l "subject=sync;
    action='start dbmlsync.exe 
     -c SERVER=remote1;UID=DBA;PWD=sql
     -o dbmlsyncOut.txt';"
  2. This tutorial assumes c:\MLsis as the working directory for server-side components. Save the text file as mydblsn.txt in this directory.

  3. Start the MobiLink Listener.

    At a command prompt, navigate to the directory of your MobiLink Listener command file.

    Start the MobiLink Listener by entering:

    dblsn @mydblsn.txt

    The MobiLink Listener for Windows window appears, indicating the MobiLink Listener is sleeping.

    When tracking information is uploaded to the consolidated database, a new entry appears in the MobiLink server messages window. This information relays the successful initial communication between the MobiLink Listener and the MobiLink server.

  4. Proceed to Lesson 10: Issuing push requests.

 See also